
Our application review is holistic, there is no cut off score on rotations or board testing. Our goal is to match a diverse group of trainees with a variety of career goals and to provide high quality clinical training as well as mentorship and academic opportunities. We hope to foster development as the future of our field, by helping our residents to become excellent clinical providers and leaders in the field in the areas of clinical, bench and translational research, education, global health, and advocacy.

Child Neurology uses ERAS and the NRMP for the match. UCSF Child Neurology offers three positions yearly. We collaborate with our two local Pediatrics residencies to offer the full 5 years of training in the Bay Area. We have two guaranteed Categorical Program positions with Pediatrics at the University of California San Francisco (Benioff Children’s Hospital BCH SF or UCSF) and one guaranteed Advanced Program position linked with Pediatrics at Children’s Hospital Oakland (BCH Oakland). We collaborate with the Adult Neurology residency program at UCSF to offer excellent tailored training in Adult Neurology within our department

For more information on the Adult Neurology program see the other pages of this site. For more information on the two Pediatric residency programs see their websites:

ERAS and NRMP Reminders

ERAS 2024-2025 Applicant Dates
June 5, 2024 – My2025 ERAS season begins
September 4, 2024 – Applicants may begin submitting applications to programs
September 25, 2024– Residency programs may begin reviewing applications
October 31, 2024 – UCSF Applicant registration deadline

ERAS Web site:

NRMP 2024-2025 Applicant Dates
September 16, 2024 – Match Registration Opens
January 31, 2025 – Applicant Standard Registration Deadline
February 3, 2025 – Ranking Opens
March 21, 2025 – Match Day!

NRMP Web site:

Applicants will be able to submit their rank lists for UCSF Child Neurology linked for one or both positions, in the order desired.

  • For Categorical training (2 year of Peds time at SF and Child Neurology training at UCSF, two positions available)

NRMP code: 1062185C0

  • For Advanced training (2 years of Peds time at Oakland and Child Neurology training at UCSF, one position available)

NRMP code: 1062185A0 and Oakland Peds Prelim/Child Neurology: 1939320P0

NRMP Website:

2024-2025 Interview Dates for UCSF Child Neurology Residency


Applications are reviewed by the selection committee using a holistic process to minimize bias. Interviews will be offered via the ERAS/Thalamus program with the first batch of offers coming out on October 10, 2024.  Applicants will have 72 hours to reply before any further offers will be made. Applicants will receive further information on the interviews and presentations via email.

For 2024-2025 Interview Dates for UCSF Child Neurology residency:

2024-2025 Interview Dates for UCSF Child Neurology Residency:

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

All interviews will be virtual this season per the UCSF GME and Child Neurology Society recommendation. We offer a joint interview experience over one full day.

Applicants will meet the program directors for both Pediatrics programs, the Adult Neurology program, and the Child Neurology program. They will participate in zoom teaching, an overview of each program, discussions with residents and interviews with the selection committee members. We are utilizing AAMC guidelines to optimize virtual interviews, including recommendations to maximize time with trainees, minimize fatigue and minimize bias.



Residency Program Administrator
Helena Khim
[email protected]